Monday, 7 October 2013

I'm a real SLT!

I am quite excited to be writing this blog post as last week I got the phone call I had my fingers crossed for… ‘congratulations, we’d like to offer you the position’
Wahoo! I have secured my first band 5 post and will be working in a language unit and mainstream schools. I do not start until December but I’m quite happy with this as I need to find somewhere to live in a new county!

A few things that I took from my interview that I hope might help others..

·         Get there early, find where you need to go and then maybe explore the area a bit. This helped when I was asked why I wanted this particular job. Don’t get there too early as it can be a bit uncomfortable if they have nowhere to put you whilst you wait!

·         Re-read your personal statement and the job description, especially if you have applied for a few jobs that are quite similar- it is easy to get a bit confused with how to tailor your answers.

·         If you are asked to take documents for your DBS check have your originals and a photocopy, that way you save them a job once you are there – it was quite nice to be called amazing by the assistant before I’d even walked into the interview room!  

·         Don’t panic if things do not go to plan- I ran out of time on my presentation but provided detailed but easy to read hand-outs so the interviewers could (hopefully) see I knew what I was talking about. If you go off track during a question, be honest and refocus!

·         Don’t just talk about your past experiences but how they have helped you and what it will help you bring to the role Talk about things from the perspective of the SLT, MDT and client.

·         Throw in those buzz words.. early intervention, audit, reflection, transferable skills, CPD etc.

·         Don’t just ask questions about supervision, I asked a question about the new Education Health and Care plan and whether it could impact on the job role- this promoted more discussion and gave me an opportunity to show I knew about current issues and policies and also that I had a real interest in the job.

·         If at the end they ask if there is anything you would like to add.. do not say no! Use it as an opportunity to sell yourself and reiterate why you want the job.


And finally..

Go on your gut instinct.. I loved the area before I’d even got to where my interview was, the people I spoke to before the interview were lovely and I felt at ease as soon as I went in. This made me really WANT the job and I fought harder to come across well and answer questions well.  You have to love the job just as much as them loving you.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

GUEST POST- Why a PEG isn't just for nil by mouth

Hello to all readers and hope that your SLT careers are off to a strong start. Lauren, the creator of this fabulous blog, has asked me to write a guest post on my experience with feeding tubes and dietary strategies.

A little background: I have atypical Cystic Fibrosis (CF) – a condition which causes severe chest infections and pancreatic insufficiency amongst other things. Of all the things I would have imagined resorting to, a feeding tube was not one of them. I should explain that I am, and generally always have been, a big eater with a huge interest in cooking and foodie activities. I was 14 when I began to experience mild digestive problems as a result of certain foods (notably greasy things and meat). So I went vegetarian. When I was 16, my problems would flare up after any amount of fatty food. So I went vegan. I’d eat nuts to try and prevent nutritional deficiency as at this time I was a keen runner, clocking 40 or so miles per week and competing at County and intercounty level… but these didn’t agree with me at all.

A carb heavy diet was no bad thing for a long distance runner with a good metabolism but I was constantly starving hungry and seemed to eat my body weight each day. My chest had always been a conundrum, with random chest infections requiring hefty courses of antibiotics and steroids to clear up, yet I was so fit that it would have been a bit OTT to keep getting referred to respiratory specialists who could find nothing wrong with me apart from being a bit “productive”. My lung function was outstanding and I and my parents decided to accept that I was prone to chest infections and asthma.

All changed when I started University to do my Biomedical sciences degree. I did well academically, met the best friends anyone could ask for, and running was going incredibly well. I did catch all the fresher’s germs though, and began a downward slope of continued chest infections which I couldn’t seem to clear. I seemed to lose a little bit of my “puff” with each month and never felt fully clear in between bouts of illness. My running performance began to plummet and I was befuddled, to say the least. My diet hadn’t changed (still cramming carbohydrates and not much fat or protein, which was now normal for me), I was sleeping enough, I putting the same, if not more, effort in to training. I was admitted to hospital several times with difficulty breathing, low oxygen levels and chest infections/pneumonia. It was highly unusual for an athlete, I was told, unless I was smoking or forgetting my asthma inhalers.. which I wasn’t!

My 5th emergency admission with a dodgy chest raised concerns and I was referred for a sweat test and CT scan. In the time it took for those to come back, my Mum arranged for me to be transferred to the London Chest hospital in the hope that they would finally take me seriously and sort something out. I was told that I had an unusual, mild form of CF and that was that, really. I was introduced to Pancreatic enzymes which I took with my meals – and could finally eat fat and protein foods in abundance again. As you can imagine, I was thrilled to be able to eat chips and meat again and partake in normal food behaviors with my friends, not always being the picky one. I naively imagined that this would be it now, that I’d be in decent health on new medications and physio routines.

Unfortunately I continued to suffer bad chest infections and my lung function has dropped a fair bit over the years after a couple of pretty terrible pneumonias and operations to remove a segment of lung and some dodgy lymph nodes. It was stressful, to say the least. Understandably in that time, my weight fluctuated and I was introduced to NG feeding overnight to try and gain/maintain weight a bit more easily. My appetite was shot for quite a while and I was dependant on supplements and junk foods as well as NG feeds to keep my strength up. I learned to pass the NG tubes myself which wasn’t too difficult, so that I could pass a new one each night and avoid stares during the day. It might be forgivable after the stresses of illness and the constant focus on my weight, that I developed an eating disorder.

My digestive problems flared up, probably as a result of not taking enough creon and I had a longstanding partial blockage. The sickness it was causing me last year was unbearable and something in me just snapped. I blamed everything on myself and was convinced that my problems were diet related. So I went back to strict veganism and health food addiction, and refused anything with any fat. I wouldn’t even touch foods I thought would contaminate my system. I was convinced that dairy and fat were causing my chest to be worse and that I could control my stomach pain by eating only starchy vegetables, some rice, oats cooked in water and lots of fruit and vegetables. Except, not too much fruit because obviously this was the cause of my early diabetes. And not too much starch because that would worsen my headaches. And not too much soy milk because this would worsen my amenorrhea. And so on, and so forth.

Not surprisingly, my weight plummeted to 36kg and I was admitted to hospital with a cold in the Summer of 2012. My sickness was investigated and I was commenced on heavy doses of laxatives to clear out the accumulated gunk which was blocking everything. I was in denial that I was essentially anorexic. I didn’t want to lose weight and knew I was a bit thinner, but I couldn’t see just how skeletal I’d become. I was fussy to the point of frustrating everyone around me. My blood sugars were impossible to keep up due to the lack of any fat reserves and state of starvation, and I was reliant on a glucose drip to stop me from passing out with severe hypoglycaemia. Something had to change. I was sick of fluctuating and could no longer tolerate my NG tube as I have nasal polyps.

I was sick of looking at food and talking about it. I no longer trusted myself to make sensible food choices and was upset that I had worsened my problems. I began to reintroduce foods with a better profile, take more responsibility with my Creon (enzymes), and counsel myself through mealtimes and “fear foods”. It was brilliant, but not enough to gain much weight (as CF calorie requirements are high anyway).

I opted to have a PEG inserted to take the stress off of me as my issues had partly been because of the constant struggle to eat enough and have a perfect diet. Once I’d recovered and was feeding 5-6 nights per week on 1500 calories of formula, I felt better. I had the energy to put in to my life again and the sensibility to make normal (read: not perfect/healthy) food choices. I realised that it’s ok to eat things that are just enjoyable. That this will do you good in ways that can’t be measured with blood tests and scales.

It’s ok to eat things that other people don’t like, just because you enjoy them. It’s ok to skip meals sometimes and make up for it later with a big meal. Similarly it’s ok to eat when you aren’t hungry, simply because everyone else is and it’s fun. I gained an enormous amount of weight – I’m now a very healthy 50kg at 5ft1 and you can really see the difference. I’m not fat or thin, just healthy looking. I’ve very recently weaned myself off the tube and I’m trialling maintaining weight by a high calorie diet with lots of variety, not too much planning, and use of oral supplements when I’m not feeling well enough to eat proper meals. It’s going very well indeed. I can honestly say, if it weren’t for having the Gastrostomy, I’d never have got over that bad patch last year. I was in too deep to do it all myself and having that safety net was very valuable. It allowed me to nourish myself well before my head and my stomach were fully up to the challenge. I was struggling to accept the necessary variety in flavours and textures when I’d been eating so little and was so confused by it all. It allowed me to stop thinking of food as a decision, and more of a medicine.

Obviously food can be many things… and fun is one of them, but sometimes people with longstanding illnesses and nutritional problems need to be able to restore nutritional stability before anything else improves. Having 3000-4000 calories of actual food to decide on, stare at, chew, taste, decipher and digest is sometimes insurmountable and the use of tube feeding while asleep can help overcome this. Admittedly I did have to psychologically work on a lot of things but physically, the tube gave me the strength to do so. I like the tube as a safety net but I do feel that once it’s removed, it wouldn’t be a big deal if I do ever need one again… although I remain confident that my “everything, and plenty of it” regime will suffice for a long time to come.

by Michelle

Sunday, 11 August 2013

GUEST POST: 'my experiences with AAC' by Elijah

iTaalk with Elijah
by Elijah Hall (and a little help from mum)
My name is Elijah. I am 14 years old and in the 8th grade. I was diagnosed with Aspergers
Syndrome at 8 years old. Recently, I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD),
and it was found that my working memory, the part of my brain that holds little bits of
information while a task is being done, is very low functioning.

When my mother and the school were writing my IEP, she found out that the school did not have any technology like a tablet, and was not required to buy one for me to use. The insurance
company would not pay for one because I am too high functioning. I was using a netbook, a
camera, a watch, and to PDA, to do all the functions that I needed to even begin to get organized.

Sometimes I forgot to set an alarm or where I had put my camera. Too many different pieces
were hard to keep track of.

My mother got together with iTaalk Autism Foundation and their Vice President, Tammy, set up a way for Mom to raise money to buy an iPad for me. Working through Facebook, she was able
to raise the money in less than a week. Mom bought a Clamcase so that I have a keyboard
attached all the time and it is more protected.

With my iPad, I keep everything in one device that I have with me all the time. I have
organizational apps that keep me on track; my calendar, my schedule, my assignments, my
chores, all in one app. I use Pages for writing any assignments and all word processing. I use
the alarms to remind me to start or stop a task.

I use the camera to photograph the board where my assignments are written, which used to take me as much as 10 minutes to write down, and photograph powerpoint notes. I can use Siri or Dragon to dictate writing. I can type at 11 words per minute now but I use typing programs to help me practice to increase my speed. I am told there are even apps that I have yet to discover to help me learn and even exercise my working memory in the future.

I began to think that other Autistic kids must have this problem too. I talked to Mom and she
said that Tammy at iTaalk told her that there was. Many kids fall in between what the insurance company will pay for, what the schools are required to provide and what the parents can afford. I decided that I would help Mom and we would keep raising money for other Autistic kids to get iPads. We spend too much of our time trying to keep up in class that it is hard to really learn.

We have set a dream goal of 500 iPads for 500 kids!! Right now we are working to get one for
Kyle, he is a Senior at our high school. Kyle has apps that work for speech therapy. You can
read more about him at We are more that half way to raising enough
for his iPad. Some kids are even non-verbal and will use their iPads to communicate.
Read more about all of us......

iTaalk Autism Foundation: 

Elijah: Twitter: @itaalkelijah

Facebook: iTaalk with Elijah


Thursday, 8 August 2013

GUEST POST- 'The Children's Trust': A child living with a ‘hidden disability’

A child living with a ‘hidden disability’

Did you know, according to draft NHS figures around 40,000 children suffer an acquired brain injury (ABI) every year as a result of an accident or illness?

Just as each child is unique, so is the way they respond to a brain injury. There are two main types of brain injury: ‘traumatic’ caused by a blow to the head such as a road traffic accident or fall, and ‘non traumatic’ caused by illness such as meningitis, a brain tumour or stroke. But there is an enormous range of difficulties a child might face – from subtle problems with memory, or speech to serious, long-term, physical and learning disabilities.

The majority of children and young people with an ABI developed normally until having a serious accident or sudden illness. Sometimes the physical, cognitive and behavioural changes are very noticeable.

But other children who appear to have made a good physical recovery may have no visible signs of a brain injury, and the expectation is that they will settle back quickly into family and school life.

It is this latter group that may start to have problems particularly at points of transition e.g. starting senior school. They may have problems with their behaviour, attention, memory, organisation or planning skills, and could get tired more easily. They may struggle to keep up in school and social relationships can suffer. Ongoing specialist support might be needed to help them adapt to academic life and reach their full potential.
The Children's Trust is the UK’s leading charity for children with acquired brain injury, multiple disabilities and complex health needs. Our services include brain injury rehabilitation and community-based support, working with hundreds of children and young people from across the UK.
We developed our Brain Injury Community Team to help these children and young people, support the network around them (their family, siblings and school) and aid them in understanding their needs and how to manage them.
The Children’s Trust also runs the Brain Injury Hub, an online information resource to share its brain injury expertise, which includes an interactive forum.

If you would like to find out more about The Children’s Trust visit If you’d like to know more about brain injury please visit the

Brain Injury Hub, The Children’s Trust’s information website

Thank you to Michelle from The Children's Trust as my first guest blogger! If anyone else would like to write a post please contact me on twitter @LaurenpreSLT or by email

Monday, 5 August 2013

Should teachers get vocal training as part of their PGCE (or equiv.) training?

It is agreed that professional voice users are more likely to have hyperfunctional voice problems. Yet despite much research into voice disorders of teachers and anecdotal evidence to suggest many voice referrals come from the teacher population; as far as I am aware there is no education given to teachers about how to look after their voices.

Hyperfunctional voice disorders can be attributed to multiple factors (e.g. muscular tension, lifestyle, reflux, technique, psychogenic elements) and evidence suggests that dysphonia is a major cause of staff sickness and absence from the classroom.

It is usually agreed that voice therapy is the preferred treatment option.  It has favourable outcomes and in many cases a patient can return to their pre-morbid voice.

Voice therapy costs services money. Most referred patients require a laryngoscopy and initial assessment, followed by an episode of direct therapy, perhaps combined with some indirect work too.  Outpatient’s services are characterised by long waiting lists and for voice patients there is a high number of DNA’s, although reasons for this seem to be unknown.

Some sources suggest education alone can help the patient make changes to their breathing and vocal technique. It raises their awareness and can help patients make changes to their diet etc. which in turn impacts positively on their voice.

A PGCE year for a prospective teacher is stressful, time-consuming and obviously the priority is teaching teachers how to teach. However, maybe some group education on how teachers can use their voices effectively may save them time and stress in the future when they find themselves referred to SLT services for dysphonia and have a positive impact on services too?



Mathieson L (2001) The Voice and Its Disorders (6th ed). London: Whurr.

Rammage L, Morrison M & Nichol H (2001) Management of the Voice and Its Disorders (2nd ed) CA: Singular.

RCSLT (2006) Communicating Quality 3. London: RCSLT.

Roy N, Merrill R M, Thibeault S, Grey S D & Smith E (2004) Voice Disorders in Teachers and the General Population: Effects on Work Performance, Attendance and Future Career Choices. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 47, p. 542- 551.

Smith B E, Kempster G B & Sims S (2010) Patient Factors Related to Voice Therapy Attendance and Outcomes. Journal of Voice, 6, p. 694- 701.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

I wish I'd known- Jumping the barriers

Getting onto the post-graduate SLT course is extremely competitive:
  • think about what you've learnt from your experience not just how much you've done
  • sell yourself!
  • speak up and get noticed in a group
  • be friendly and a team player
  • consider your transferable skills   
  • don't rule out SLT if you got onto a waiting list- chances are you'll get a call to say you're in

Placements are likely to be miles away (e.g. 90min commute each way):
  • find out if you are entitled to a bursary
  • organise your own block placement closer to home
  • enquire about nursing accommodation etc. on site
  • see if there is anyone you can lift share with
  • reflect and plan sessions en route!
  • suck it up and deal with it - it's likely to be a great placement!

Placement Educators expect more anatomy and physiology knowledge than you'll be taught:
  • invest in a good textbook - or at least borrow one before your classmates get there
  • keep lecture notes or cards with key phrases to hand
  • ask questions! don't suffer in silence if you don't understand something
  • use diagrams to aid understanding

The lack of direct intervention you get to give:
  • keep an open mind
  • consider your preferred setting to work in
  • consider the evidence base for your approach
  • convey your ideas to other people working with the client
  • be creative and patient centred when you do make resources/ carry out therapy

It would be stressful to keep on top of work:
  • print off timetables and deadline calendars in the first week!
  • be organised - start work early and set earlier deadlines to motivate yourself
  • consider if work is due during placement and how you will manage this
  • talk to your course mates - it doesn't hurt to have a good moan every now and again!
  • read the assignment title. Re-read it. Re-read it.
  • Attend a CPD event to boost your motivation!

It would be hard to get a job at the end of it all:
  • be flexible but if you really want a particular area- go for it!
  • fill in an application as soon as you see it - they disappear quickly
  • make the NHS jobs site your homepage
  • tweak your personal statement to fit the person specification
  • do your homework before an interview
  • be positive, rejections don't mean you aren't a good therapist - there's just a lot of us looking for employment (including me)!

Monday, 22 July 2013

21 things I didn't realise I'd signed up for...

“Things aren't ever what they seem to be when you first look at them. What's important is that you keep your mind wide open and try to understand what's going on from a lot of different angles.”
                                                                             - Christopher Paul Curtis

1. The hard work didn't stop after getting a place on the MSc SLT course- in fact it hasn't stopped yet.

2. Being back at university meant I had to attend more than once a week.

3. Just because I think my essay is good doesn't mean I'll get a good mark.

4. Just because I think my essay is bad doesn't mean I'll get a bad mark.

5. Caffeine would be my new best friend.

6. On placement I spend more time in the car than doing therapy.

7. The RCSLT CQ3 would become my preferred choice of bedtime reading.

8. It becomes a huge achievement to get a library book out before the rest of my classmates get there.

9. I secretly compare every friends child to developmental milestones.

10. People ask what course I'm doing. Then ask what I want to do after. 'Be an SLT' then still prompts blank faces.

11. People will always ask what an SLT does, not listen and think I'm going to be a teacher.

12. None of my friends will understand I don't get a summer holiday.

13. The primary purpose for my Makaton training would be to communicate with my SLT friends across a busy bar.

14. In the two years I have convinced myself I have every voice disorder, social communication problem and neurological condition possible.

15. No-one else will find an SLT joke funny. I find it hilarious.

16. It would become exciting to go to a conference on a Saturday instead of shopping.

17. I panic every time I watch someone drink through a straw.

18. I start screaming 'dysphagia dysphagia' every time a crisp goes down the wrong way.

19. Meeting with classmates at lunch to discuss an essay becomes an acceptable form of 'social life'.

20. I'd turn up to an interview and find the rest of my course mates in the waiting area.

21. Twitter would provide a community who can be relied on for work distractions minus guilt.

(Still love it though)

Monday, 1 July 2013

London Voice SIG

 “I can’t reach the high notes anymore”

Last week I took an afternoon off finishing my dissertation to go to the London Voice SIG with another SLT student. I am really interested in adult acquired disorders and was really looking forward to learning from some of the most experienced SLT’s in the field.

The main thing that I took from the day was the impact of a voice disorder on someone’s identity – especially somebody who uses their voice to make a living. One of the speakers was a professional singer/ actor who had received surgery. The emotion that she showed during her talk really hit home how distressing and life changing having a voice disorder might be.

She highlighted some really important points that I believe gave every SLT in the room food for thought:

-          She was given loads of information about the risks of surgery, possible benefits and information about how much voice rest she should take afterwards


She was left in the dark about the potential physical and emotional changes that she might experience following surgery. The singer was shocked to discover that she could no longer sing in the way that she used to- even after following the advice from the professionals.

She was unprepared for the impact this would have in terms of…

-          financial burden when not being successful at auditions

-          social isolation because it is difficult spending time with friends in noisy environments

-          other people not understanding because she still sounded ‘normal’ to everyone else

-          losing sight of her identity – a feeling that it wasn’t ‘her voice’  

With an emphasis on evidence based practice and outcome measures it is easy to get caught up in the impairment based stuff that we are trained to deliver. However, I believe it is vital to keep in mind the most important thing. The person with the voice disorder.

The team were promoting a group they ran for singer’s pre and post operation, called ‘Vox Op’. It gives an opportunity for the members to gain practical and emotional support in confidence. It is a shame more support is not available for professional voice users but hopefully this is something that will change in the future with the continued success of groups like Vox Op.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Which SLT course?

Msc? PGDip? PGcert? BSc?

Speech and Language Therapy? Speech Sciences? Evidence based practice in communication disorders?

NHS funded? Self- funded?

Apply by UCAS? Apply by post? Apply directly to uni online? Apply for more than one course at once?

Just an application form? Interview? Group tasks?

If you don't get in first time round do you wait until next year?

The process of getting onto a Speech and Language Therapy course is pretty complicated. Knowing which is the best option for you is not easy. Combine this with the limited amount of courses and the competition for places, the process can be pretty stressful!

I applied for two courses and also contacted another one for more information. I was basically told by one that my degree was not that relevant so not to bother applying. My work experience was not taken into account. This really knocked my confidence and I didn't think I'd get onto a course at all. However, after a successful English/ Maths test, group task and interview I got onto my current course straight away.

I have enjoyed my course, loved being on placement but found it stressful at times. Our grade is based entirely on essays and a dissertation which I have found a bit tricky as someone who prefers exams to writing assignments. Some of these have been due in whilst we are on placement. As a well organised person I have tried to get these finished before they are due, but sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day! I have found myself rushing placement preperation in order to meet deadlines. We are also not graded on our placements and as this is the main reason we are on the course it seems a shame that this is not reflected. Having said that, I can see how the process of marking these is more subjective than an essay marking grid.

Having almost completed my course, I have met students from other universities. Most are shocked when I tell them we do not have end of year exams. Obviously I haven't met everyone, but those that I have seem to have a better grasp of the terminology that is used within the workplace and the medical model. In contrast (again this is just an opinion) I feel whilst finding some of the background knowledge difficult, I have been able to apply my thinking flexibly, which can be useful when outside factors are impacting on what you are seeing during assessment/ therapy.

I think universities need to be clearer about what their course gives you in terms of a qualification and what the courses will actually involve in terms of assessment and placements. I think its obvious there are a lot of people applying for many places but information will help the person find a course that suits their learning style.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

"If I had a walking stick you'd slow down to walk with me, why won't you do the same with my talking?"

Why an almost full recovery isn't always as good as it seems

The quote from the title is something that has stayed with me throughout my first week at placement. I have had a brilliant opportunity to meet all sorts of clients- aphasia, dysphagia, voice, cancer, long term neurological conditions...the list goes on. It's been a bit scary but I've survived, loved every second and am looking forward to the remaining four weeks.

I have observed and assessed aphasia in acute, neuro-rehab and outpatients settings. Beforehand I thought the acute setting would be most difficult, from a client and family point of view.

However, it has been really surprising to see how the people that have made amazing progress and appear typical communicators on the surface seem to have found it just as difficult. When you have a communication difficulty that is invisible to the non-SLT it can be easy for the family and other communication partners to forget, not notice how the person with aphasia feels or just ignore the problems because it is the easiest, least upsetting thing to do.

By continuing to talk how they've always talked - interrupting each other, talking loudly, talking quickly, using complex language.. the person with aphasia is at risk of becoming socially isolated and feeling upset, frustrated and overwhelmed.

The need to educate and work with communication partners has been highlighted more than ever this week - it has really shown how even at a high level of recovery, the person with aphasia needs the support from their family to access the community and enjoy communication again. Impairment based therapy can seem like the most appropriate thing for an SLT to do, but sometimes a simple 'you know what, your family member has done amazingly well but now they just need you to just slow down and wait' can have more effective results.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

How did YOU get interested in SLT/ SLP?

We all know there is a lack of awareness of SLT and in particular a lack of males within the profession. I recently guest-blogged on the lovely Gemma's blog here about my current research into male SLT's that I am doing for my dissertation.

Earlier today I posted a simple 'how did you first become aware of SLT/SLP?' tweet. I was overwhelmed by the responses I got. Reasons given have been consistent with the very limited amount of research in the literature.

  • family members already SLT's/ SLP's or in other areas of healthcare that work closely with an SLT
  • A family member/ friend that has received SLT
  • Working in education (mainstream or learning disability) and having contact with an SLT
  • Careers day at school/ college
  • Careers matching service/ website                                           (thank you #slpeeps!)
On a personal level, I admit I didn't know what an SLT was until a few years ago. I wanted a career in sport initially and did a sport science degree. I then got a job in a school to get experience for teaching and found myself carrying out indirect SLT programmes with some children and had some training from the SLT - I was hooked and applied for my masters.

The way I think about it - we need to understand what influenced and motivated us to go through what is quite a tough process to become clinicians in order to influence others.

The one thing all your reasons had in common was that you had exposure to an SLT or at the very least information about SLT before you considered it as a career option. If people don't see it, how are they meant to decide they want to do what we do? I hope we can all continue to raise awareness through twitter, training others, giving voice and just by talking about what we do to other people.


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Working abroad as a Newly Qualified SLT

Over the last few months I have been trying to decide what area of SLT I want to work in when I qualify in September. Most of my experience before getting a place on the course was in paediatrics but I have really enjoyed the adult acquired side of things this year.

One thing I have decided is that I really want to spend some time abroad - most of my friends have travelled or worked abroad since leaving school/university and every single one of them has loved their experience. At the moment I am not tied down so it feels a bit of a now or never situation. However, having dedicated 2 years of my life to becoming an SLT I really don't want to lose my clinical skills or miss out when (limited) job opportunities present themselves in the UK. 

I have looked into some options - volunteering with projects such as Operation Smile and private work with clients in countries such as Dubai. I must admit I am disappointed that you need 2 years clinical experience before you can consider working in the USA, Australia or New Zealand, however, I do understand that their graduate programmes have a different focus to British qualifications, and it is already a daunting prospect having a caseload in this country without added confusion!

So do I..

travel now whilst not tied down and needing a break OR wait until I have two years experience when I may gain more clinically?

Whilst the RCSLT offers some advice regarding working abroad, I don't think there is much information out there about the options. Can you still develop your skills? Is there any use for you if you don't speak other languages? Can you get your NQP competencies signed off if you work privately for one family? Would I be completely out of my depth with a lack of support/supervision?

With the research world and the twitter world being so close in terms of sharing information between different countries, I find it hard to believe it is so difficult to get information and seek out opportunities - I almost feel I'm missing something obvious!!

If anyone has any information about opportunities or has travelled/ worked abroad themselves I would love to hear from you- whether your experiences have been positive or negative...

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Do one thing well or be average at many things?

 I am finally returning to my blog – and a very stressful week has had me thinking about whether I have taken on too much and whether I can keep it all going for the next 5 months before I finish my SLT course.

Yesterday saw me properly stressed for the first time in a long time – I got my essay in before the deadline with 9 minutes to spare and I know it wasn’t to the best of my ability so I find I am really annoyed at myself. On top of my post-grad SLT course I have managed to squeeze in 5 days of athletics training per week, this year working 1-2 days so I can fund myself rather than asking my parents for money all the time, am president of the university athletics club and have a healthy social life. Despite this, I normally finish my work way before any deadline and am keen to attend CPD events to enhance my CV.

I love SLT and I want to progress in my career as highly as I can. However, I have always had the mindset that one thing will not take over my life and transferable skills come from many avenues.

My problem at the moment is that whilst I am achieving many things I feel I am at risk of not being satisfied with my performance in any of them... I don’t like being average. I want to be better. I am competitive.  I have to-do lists coming out of my ears, papers all over my room and can never go anywhere without my diary. BUT I love being busy. I love SLT. I love running. I love organising events. I love my friends.

The point of my ramble is.. is it possible to take on too much? Is it better to concentrate on one thing and make sure it is done to the best of your ability? Or is it better to gain life experience, transferable skills and enjoy yourself along the way?


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

3rd time lucky...


This is the 3rd time I am posting for the 'first' time. Having not got to grips with the whole blog thing previously, I am determined to make it work this time! Plus I am about to guest-blog for Gemma from my course and I feel I should have probably set my own up by now.

I am an MSc Speech and Language Therapy student at University of Essex. I'm in my final year and looking forward to qualifying in oh about 7 months and 10 days.. not that I'm counting. I just can't wait to get out in the real world and put everything I have learnt in the last couple of years into practice.

I am writing a blog, mainly for a bit of self reflection. If anyone else reads it that will be a bonus! I also want somewhere for potential students to go as when I was researching my options before I began SLT I found it difficult to access any useful information.

Anyway, enough for now. Hopefully by the next time I blog I may have worked out how to make the page look a bit more interesting! Please feel free to comment/ criticise/ advise, I will welcome any feedback :)
